Massimo Ragazzi

Genova, Italy Grew up as a Project Manager and Process Reengineering Leader in Leonardo, since 20 years I work as a management consultant in multinational companies. My strengths are knowledge and wide experience in business process improvement, organizations dynamic, leading strategic projects, realize efficiencies, drive innovation, facilitate organizations transformation toward new business models. I met Agile philosophy in 2017 and I suddenly started to find answers to mostly of my work-related existential questions, and moreover to those related to the future of organizations, where Agile perspective sees the human being as the “homo faber ipsius fortunae” of the Renaissance era, now able to handle the so frighteningly digital all around us. Since then I have started building my Agile glasses and toolkit that became the clear Agile mindset I adopt in my Agile coach experiences.

Chi è l’Agile Project Portfolio Manager

Chi è l’Agile Project Portfolio Manager

L’Agile Project Portfolio Manager (APPM) è la figura che ha il compito di organizzare centralmente...
I benefici dell’Agile Project Portfolio Management

I benefici dell’Agile Project Portfolio Management

Per comprendere i benefici proviamo a considerare quali sono i problemi che possono emergere nelle...
Che cos'è l'Agile Project Portfolio Management

Che cos'è l'Agile Project Portfolio Management

Ogni organizzazione che lavora per progetto, presto o tardi si troverà a fronteggiare le...
Tutte le differenze tra Agile Project Management e il PM tradizionale

Tutte le differenze tra Agile Project Management e il PM tradizionale

Secondo le definizioni del PMI, padre dello standard PMBOK, a cui rimandiamo per ulteriori...

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